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Your Kids Matter

There’s a place for your kids at Tradewind Community Church!

Kids aren’t an afterthought; they’re vital to the church! So here are some ways that TCC wants to involve and support your children:

  • When you arrive at TCC on a Sunday morning, your children will be invited to check in. Each child will receive a sticker with a code that corresponds to a sticker provided to the parent or guardian to ensure safety. You can register your kids into TCC’s check-in system online here.

  • On Sunday mornings, kids are welcome to participate in three TCC Kids areas, based on their ages. After check-in, the littlest kids will be welcomed to our nursery area for the entire worship service. Preschool-aged children will gather in TCC’s preschool area. Children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be invited to TCC’s elementary area halfway through the worship service.

  • Our TCC Kids teaching curriculum is Bible-based and Gospel centered. That means they will learn about God’s love for them, most clearly displayed in the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. They’ll learn that all the stories of the Bible tell that one overarching story, the story of the Gospel. TCC teachers also strive to offer age-appropriate, engaging, and fun Bible learning environments!

  • TCC commits to pray for you and your children. We want them to know the Good News of Jesus, to love the Bible, and to enjoy being at church. If there’s a specific need that you or your kids have, please let us know.

  • TCC has planned a series of kid-friendly events, starting with the Community Easter Festival on Saturday, April 20, from 10-11:30 a.m. in Tradewind School Park. Other upcoming family events include a Movie in the Park event on June 14, and three day camps in July — a discovery camp, a creative arts camp, and a sports camp. The camps are free and include lunch. Learn more here.

  • Our church has adopted a Child Protection Policy, which requires all leaders and volunteers in TCC Kids areas to be approved and screened workers. We want to do all we can to ensure your children are safe.

Your kids matter to us. We’re excited to meet them and serve them and tell them about the Gospel!

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