Sunday is the best day of the week!
Sundays are church days! We gather to worship our God, to hear from God’s Word (the Bible), and to encourage one another. Sundays are for being reminded of and then being sent out with the Gospel (the Good News) that God loves and saves sinners from sin and death. Sunday is the best day of the week!
TCC meets for weekly worship services at 10 a.m. on Sundays at The Shop Event Venue, 1585 S.E. 58th Ave. (Find a map here.)
Here’s what you can expect if you arrive at TCC on the best day of the week. Sundays at TCC are:
We're named Tradewind Community Church for a reason. TCC aims to be a welcoming place for everyone. We want to befriend you and listen to your story and connect with you in a real way.
When you drive down the entry lane, you’ll be greeted by our welcome team. They’ll direct you inside for TCC Kids check-in and friendly conversation with others before the service.
The large room you enter is arranged to accommodate a worship center. There's a welcome table with coffee and church information at the back. And our TCC Kids check-in table is easy to spot when you enter! Currently, we set up two rooms inside the facility for Bible classrooms for kids (babies through fifth grade).
During the worship service, we don’t want to single you out or embarrass you. You’ll receive a connection card; we invite you to complete it and submit it so we can get to know you better.
We love kids at TCC, and we’ve designed Sunday mornings with your children in mind. When you arrive, your littlest kids will be checked in and then guided to a space planned just for them.
Children in kindergarten through fifth grade will participate in the first half of the worship service before being invited to their Bible class.
Kids will hear about the Good News of Jesus through fun storytelling, videos, crafts, and games.
TCC aims to be a praying church. We know that, unless God is involved in our church, nothing really matters. We need Him; so we pray.
We pray to praise God, to trust God, and to know God more.
You can expect to hear prayers during the worship service (as well as a brief Bible reading each week). And each week includes a guided prayer in which the congregation is led to pray silently in specific ways.
The best news we have will be the focus of the best day of the week.
TCC structures its Sunday morning worship services with the Good News of Jesus – the Gospel! – at the forefront. Our worship music (a blend of hymns and modern songs) will intentionally include lyrics about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The preaching will be Bible-based with a focus on what God has done for us in the Gospel.
The Gospel is the main subject of our corporate prayers, our Bible study curriculum, and communion (which is served once a month).
The Gospel is of first importance at TCC. Expect to hear Good News each week that transforms our lives!
We would love to see you this week! For more information, visit tccamarillo.com/sundaysattcc.