Are all the days starting to feel the same?
As we all shelter in place, keeping ourselves and our friends as safe from disease as possible, weeks blur together.
Is it Monday still? Oh, yeah, it’s actually Thursday. Did we do that on Wednesday? No, that was last week. I think. Does it really matter?
Maybe you feel a little bit blurred together?
Here’s our encouragement: Would you make Sundays different somehow?
It’s been a month since TCC has gathered on a Sunday morning. We’re every day farther removed from what once had been normal routine on Sundays. Our weekly Sunday rhythms are just gone.
But the importance of setting Sunday aside to sing to God, hear His Gospel in His Word, and love others in the church hasn’t lessened. If anything, making Sundays feel like Sundays is more necessary than ever.
So, though we’re not gathering as a church once a week, what will you do to make Sundays not just another day?
Here are five suggestions:
Do Home Worship. This is probably the most obvious way to make Sundays stand out from other days of the week. Commit to open TCC’s Home Worship webpage (tccamarillo.com/homeworship) and access all the resources there. Maybe set a regular time for you and your family each week. And then, share Home Worship: Post a photo or video of how you’re participating, or text the link to someone you know who also needs Sundays to not be just another day.
Clear your day beforehand. Finish all your other to-dos before Sunday. Still have unfinished schoolwork? Wrap it up on Saturday. Need to mow the lawn? Do it earlier in the week. Is there a list of housework you had hoped to accomplish before Monday starts? Don’t save it all up for Sunday; otherwise, Sunday becomes just another day.
Have a special breakfast. Do Sundays need to become Pancake Day at your house? Or maybe everyone has a PopTart picnic on the living room floor? Would it help to make Sundays feel like not just another day if you always planned a scrumptious start?
Check on someone. We can’t shake hands and give hugs in the hallway entrance at Tradewind Elementary School for now. But who could you send a greeting to on Sundays anyway, with a call or a text? Could you pray for the person you might otherwise be sitting by in the cafetorium? What if Sundays were the day you wrote a card to your kids’ Sunday School teachers?
Make a countdown. When Monday morning shows up, do you need to literally start numbering the days until we “meet” again? If you have children in your quarantine house, would it help to make a chart to track the days until the best day, Sunday!, comes around? (Maybe that would also help you remember that it is, in fact, Thursday and not still Monday.)
Sunday is not just another day! What ideas do you have for making the first day of the week something to truly look forward to and celebrate? Share them with us in a comment on Facebook or email hello@tccamarillo.com.