You, God, are perfect and sovereign over this day and every day. You are our only Savior and our only hope.
Would you remind us over and over again today of Who you are? Remind us that nothing about this day worries You. Remind us that You are always good and always the same. Remind us that You hold all things together and never fail. Help us to rest in knowing the truth about You, even when other things are uncertain.
Make us ready today to speak about our trust in You. When others are worried or proud or angry, let our words only bring glory to You.
Would you help us to remember that so many others – our kids, our neighbors, our co-workers – are watching today? Help us show them what it looks like to be citizens of Your kingdom, to love people with different opinions than us, to view Your mission of proclaiming and adoring the Gospel as our most important task, and to unwaveringly adore and honor Your Son.
Thank you for being our Good King. We submit to You and worship You today.