God the Father, today we rejoice! It's Christmas Day!
We rejoice because, Jesus, God the Son, You came to us. You — the divine, uncreated, sovereign One — You arrived here! God in human flesh!
When we were infinitely separated from You because of our sin against You, You condescended to be born like us and be among us. When we had no ability or desire to know You, You stooped to us to make Yourself known. When we were only deserving of death, You lowered Yourself to the place of death for us and then rose to life to offer us Your eternal life.
We rejoice!
What an incomprehensible miracle, God, that You would arrive here in love for us! It is a merry Christmas!
Today, Holy Spirit of God, would you set our attention on this good news that is great joy for all people? Would you give us boldness to proclaim it? And would You grant us a present longing for the second arrival of Jesus?
Our Three-in-One God, be glorified on this Christmas Day as we rejoice!