The first Christmas arrived with an invitation.
In a sheep field outside the village of Bethlehem, an angel made the greatest birth announcement in history – and then the angel gave those shepherds directions to the very place where they should go, an invitation to see the wonder of wonders.
God became human.
Come and see Jesus was the invitation. "Let us go!" the shepherds said (Luke 2:15).
And they did.
They saw God – infinitely sovereign, holy deity – here, among us! And with Good News.
At Christmas, we celebrate the Good News that our God in His great love sent His divine Son, Jesus, to do everything necessary to rescue His creation from sin and from the death that sin brings. At Christmas, we proclaim that God actually arrived to fully and finally make all things – even us – alive and new!
The first Christmas arrived with an invitation. And that invitation is still being offered: Come and see Jesus!
At TCC, you're invited to celebrate this Christmas season in lots of ways. And we invite you to invite someone, too!
✨ Bring your kids and students next Wednesday to TCC's Christmas Parties – and bring along a carful of their friends, too! They'll have fun, and be reminded of the reason we decorate and share gifts and rejoice: Jesus!
✨ Come enjoy a breakfast feast with us before church on December 11, and invite a co-worker or a neighbor or a friend that day. Afterward, at church that day, we'll begin a new sermon series about Jesus, who makes All Things New.
✨ Make plans on the weekend of Christmas to sing carols and light candles and hear again of that first Christmas event – and make plans to welcome someone else along! We'll gather both on Christmas Eve (Saturday) and on Christmas Day (Sunday).
Who will you invite? Pray for them! And then, would you welcome them to celebrate Christmas with you?
You're invited!
Find more information about Christmas events and services at TCC at
Merry Christmas!

On Wednesdays through the holiday season,
TCC is providing a weekly Christmas mini-devotional.
You're Invited!