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The Gospel is the Good News that God loves and saves sinners from sin and death through the death and resurrection of Jesus.


The Bible tells the story of the Gospel. At TCC, we summarize that story in four words: Creation, Fall, Rescue, and Life.


In the beginning, God created all things good by His word.


God created humans in His image and gave them a perfect home where they could know, enjoy, and worship Him.


In the Bible: Genesis 1-2, Psalm 104


The first humans sinned. They disobeyed God, rejecting Him and His good way. Sin condemned them to death.


Sin and death have since spread to all humans. Sinners have fallen from God – we are separated from the loving favor of God and condemned to die.


In the Bible: Genesis 3, Romans 3:23


God the Father, in love, sent His eternally begotten Son, Jesus, to earth. Jesus was made a man and died as a substitute for sinful humanity on a cross.


Three days after His death, Jesus was resurrected, defeating sin and death forever! He ascended to heaven and reigns over all things.

In the Bible: John 3:16, Romans 5:8, I Corinthians 15:3-6, Ephesians 2:1-9


Everyone who repents of sin and believes in Jesus are saved from sin and death and given new and eternal life with God by the Holy Spirit.


Those who have new life through the Gospel tell the Gospel to others.

In the Bible: II Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:1,

Matthew 28:18-20

The Gospel requires a response.

Have you responded by repenting of sin and believing in this Good News? Jesus can save you from sin and death today!

Do you have questions about the Gospel? Please contact us! We want to know your story and personally share this Good News with you!

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